14 minutes ago by mjayhn

People on twitter at other $bigtech seem more than happy to bring you all on board but you've been sucking that $270k+ top-end-even-for-FAANG salary with no concern for the ethics or morality of your business for years. This isn't new. I'm less than excited to see Facebook show up on a resume and haven't been for years. Not to mention the people I've interviewed from there seem to get so accustomed to working on Facebook internal tools that aren't in use anywhere else, especially you front end devs (not talking about just react here but the internal ecosystem).

Best of luck to those of you looking to leave. It took THIS much to get you to this point, don't forget that.

There are a LOT of devs not from Facebook that deserve to be hired and given chances in other FAANG businesses. People you actually want to work with who won't contribute to attacks on democracy for a high salary while the rest of us refuse to even response to Facebook recruiters for the last 3-10 years.

Hire them instead. Especially you Google employees who are on twitter ranting and raving right now. There are a huge amount of people who want to work with you who haven't traded their ethics for a paycheck.

8 minutes ago by viraptor

That sounds unfair. Of course you very accustomed to working with tools you work with every day, especially if they're good. You'll also never find a 1:1 match between companies though and not-bad people can switch between systems as needed. Unless you need an intermediate level boilerplate writer ready to go with tech X and Y from day 1, it should be fine.

Why not say: These are people experienced with systems that work well. Maybe they can bring those workflows over and improve the company when they come here.

a minute ago by hobs

Because their tooling knowledge is rearranging deck chairs on the titanic compared to their willingness to sell out their own people for a buck.

18 minutes ago by arusahni

This is part of the circle of life for internal Facebook turmoil:

1. Facebook does something to draw ire

2. Employee drama

3. The company leadership offers some platitudes to buy time

4. GOTO 1

3 minutes ago by blueterminal

People really want Zuckerberg to decide whether posts of the president should be deleted or not? Is this for real?

We really need mainstream decentralized applications more than ever. Thoughts of people should not be censored. Who the hell should be the truth police? You? People that have the same beliefs as you?

This is just ridiculous. I don't like Facebook but great decision by Mark. Same as they decided to not remove political ads.

18 minutes ago by nikivi

As if anything is going to change. He has the voting rights to do whatever.

There are few FB employees that did speak out on Twitter with not agreeing but to what end. They will still continue to work in support of all this.

I don't think it's such a big problem though, if you dislike hate and violence just mute these people from your feeds/life. The bigger issue as I see it is FB working directly in support of Trump by supporting his ads and dropping Biden's ads.

13 minutes ago by ericzawo

The tweets are nice, but little will change until people at the executive level bow out publicly.

3 minutes ago by undefined


5 minutes ago by dfxm12

I wonder, has anything changed at Amazon since Tim Bray left?

5 minutes ago by drevil-v2

Facebook employees are not adequately representative of the population as a whole. They lean overwhelmingly left and as such I would take their "blowback" with a grain of salt.

2 minutes ago by matt_s

Some may also be much more financially sound to back up their talk with resignations or other actions if they feel strongly that their employer does things that don't sit well with them.

2 minutes ago by jaybeeayyy

lol that certainly is a statement you cannot back up. Even Fox News has an article saying there's not enough evidence to show any bias at facebook https://www.foxnews.com/tech/is-facebook-as-left-leaning-as-...

3 minutes ago by bognition

Hacker news comments are not adequately representative of the Facebook employee population...

3 minutes ago by cameronbrown

That is definitely true.

This however, is still a problem for Facebook, and the greater society, which seems to disagree with them more and more.

5 minutes ago by scarface74

Maybe, the government should get involved in monopolistic Big Tech. Isn't that what HN users are always wanting?

I'm sure the Trump administration will get right on that.

Just like now that the President is pressuring Twitter, HN users are up in arms. Be careful what you ask for.....

2 minutes ago by cityzen

ā€œMark is wrong, and I will endeavor in the loudest possible way to change his mind,ā€ wrote Ryan Freitas, whose Twitter account identifies him as director of product design for Facebookā€™s News Feed. He added he had mobilized ā€œ50+ likeminded folksā€ to lobby for internal change.

Jason Toff, identified as director of product management, wrote: ā€œI work at Facebook and I am not proud of how weā€™re showing up. The majority of coworkers Iā€™ve spoken to feel the same way. We are making our voice heard.ā€


"endeavor in the loudest possible way"?

"not proud of how we're showing up"?

If "the majority of coworkers" and "50+ likeminded folks" are so passionate about it... stop working for the company. Quit, make a fucking sacrifice and stop thinking that somehow you're going to change Zuck's mind.

Money is a hell of a drug.

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